Scripture Reading - Matthew 9:3-4 KJV

3 And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.
4 And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?

In our previous article we discussed the basic definition of “Thought Reading” according to ihlcc. In this article we will share how to “read thoughts” by others you are engaged with. Although “thought reading” is a spiritual concept that must be first accepted by faith in God’s creation of man we must also include some practical teaching for you to enjoy the experience. First, we (ihlcc) reiterate you must believe with all your heart that you are granted this privilege through the grace of God. Angela and I firmly believe we are created in God’s exact image (as imagined by God) and likeness (characteristics of His Nature). Next, focus your full concentrate on the individuals spoken words and facial expressions and outward actions because for sure they will indicate what is going on inside their heart. This is why you have heard the term “Some people are hard to read” which basically means you cannot tell what they are thinking by their mannerisms. However, we will discern their answer inwardly if they refuse to answer our direct question verbally. Wisdom dictates that no answer is still an answer it is just not what you expected to hear. No verbal answer typically means, 1) I don’t want to answer you because I disagree with you or 2) I simply don’t want to participate in this exercise with you or 3) I just don’t know what to say (speechless) or 4) I really don’t want to incriminate myself. Now based on their answer or no answer you have an answer to lead you into the next question until you gather a sense of the other person’s direction (their inward thoughts). If you don’t hear any clear responses from the other person don’t say to yourself, “I don’t know what they are thinking” because that would be counterproductive it would be better to say, “My wise heart discerns both time and judgment” according to Ecclesiastes 8:5b. “Thought reading” is not based solely on their spoken words but also on their expressions and actions. If all agree (words, expressions and corresponding actions) you can be confident that the thoughts of their heart were clearly revealed. However, if any one of the three are off (out of line with each other) you will probably need to conclude that their "thoughts" are contrary to their actions because ultimately actions always speak louder than words. Yes, actions will always reveal "thoughts" and “thought reading” should precede actions if recognized early enough through personal meetings with relevant conversation. Personal meeting are best but even phone conversations can initiate “thought reading” when organized properly around specific questions, the only caveat is you lose the visual indicators that commonly help you in discerning the other persons “thoughts”. Thank God that the Spirit of God is omnipresent because He can still whisper in your ear the primary “thought” of their heart. “Thought Readying” does not need to be instantaneous because it is prudent to let wisdom rise at the proper time as oppose to just limiting your time to a 24-hour clock after the spoken conversation. Dear Saint, be patient, compassionate and prayerful as you mediate upon the particular circumstance (situation) at hand knowing your understanding is a process not an event. So take courage when understanding that “thought reading” is nothing scary or mysterious, it’s only exercising the ability to comprehend what another person is inwardly thinking while they are in your presence along with the Presence of God. Please know that since God always knows what the other person is thinking He will translate their “thoughts” to you if you need to better understand the situation. Remember everything that affects you automatically affects God, so trust the Word of the Lord in your heart if He has already revealed to you the outcome of the situation. Therefore wisdom, knowledge and understanding will always be given to the humble child of God who looks to the Lord Jesus for enlightenment (insight) in their daily affairs of life. If you trust in the Lord with all your heart and acknowledge Him in all your ways He shall direct your paths. Amen!